Thursday, December 3, 2015

Historical buildings in Sarawak

Sarawak Steamship Building

1. Sarawak Steamship Building

Built in 1930, this was previously the office and warehouse of the Sarawak Steamship Company. It is restored and houses a restaurant, fast food outlet and a convenience store. 

Square Tower

2. Square Tower

Built in 1879 as a detention camp for prisoners, later was converted into a fortress and then a dance hall. Today it is a multimedia information center and video theater providing information on Sarawak's tourist attractions.

General Post Office
3. General Post Office

This 1931 building stands out majestically with its imposing neo-classical style and impressive Corinthian columns. In contrast to its ornate facade with semi-circular arches, ornamental columns capitals and friezes, the back of the building is plain and unadorned. Deep parapet walls of plain design hide the pitched root. A colonnaded portico serves as a corridor in front of the building. This will soon be converted into the Sarawak Art Museum. 

Round Tower
4. Round Tower

Constructed in 1886, the building was meant to serve as a fort in an emergency. Instead it became the Dispensary and was then used by the Labour Department until 1980. It now houses a section of the Judiciary department. The Round Tower was strategically located to provide an excellent view of the town.

5. the Pavilion

Originally used as the medical headquarter, was one of the first public buildings of more than 2 stories high. Built with concrete frames and supported by bakau (mangrove timber) piling, it also had a concrete flat roof where occupants used to lounge and watch the setting sun, as fondly recalled through numerous writings of that era.  The building had been conserved and is currently used by the Museum Department as their Textile Museum. 

Tua Pek Kong Temple
6. Tua Pek Kong Temple

This temple was believed to have been built by the Chinese migrants from Kalimantan, Indonesia. This temple overlooked the mouth of the Kuching stream which ran between the temple and the Old Chinese Court (present Chinese History Museum), to the Sarawak River. Numerous additions and renovation works had been done over the original structure. The dominant dragon frieze was added to the retaining wall in the early 1980s.

Fort Magherita
7. Fort Magherita

Across the Main Bazaar, situated across the Sarawak River, the fort was named after Ranee Margaret, the wife of Charles Brooke.  Strategically perched on top of a hill, with vantage points overlooking Kuching and the river, it was the ideal sentry point for the settlement. 

8. Kuching Waterfront

Kuching Waterfront

Undergone several transformations since 9th century, from a small settlement of modest ‘atap’ buildings, to a busy port with warehouses and wharves, and to the landscape riverside walk it is today. During the days of the Rajahs and the British colonials, boats would berth along the Sarawak River waterfront, lined with godowns, custom offices and markets. Travelers and cargo alike would embark and disembark at the wharves, making the waterfront a hive of activity during its glory days. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Brief history of SARAWAK

Image of coat of arms of Sarawak
The history of modern Sarawak is closely related to the adventures of an Englishman, James Brooke after his advent to Sarawak in 1839. With a boundary extending from Tanjung Datu to Batang Samarahan, Sarawak then was one of Brunei’s territories and was ruled by its Governor, Pengiran Mahkota. Politically, the country was in a state of turmoil with the natives constantly in rebellion against Brunie’s authority. To restore order, the Raja Muda of Brunei was sent but failed in his mission until Brooke returned the following year and offered his assistance. As a reward for his success in pacifying the revolts, Brooke was installed as first Rajah if Sarawak in 1841. Thus began the reign of the White Rajahs under the the Brooke family which was to last more than a century.
During the first few decades of his first rule, Brooke’s hold over the century was greatly challenged not only by problems like piracy, but also by the armed resistance by his subjects, particularly the natives. Some measure of law and order was achieved and administrative changes were introduced. By 1861, Sarawak has been further enlarged with the Sultan’s cession of all the rivers and lands from Sadong River to Kidurong Point. By 1864, it has been recognized as an independent State by both the United States and Britain. Further cession of territory occurred in 1868 with the reign of the second Rajah, Charles Brooke, so that by 1885 Sarawak’s frontier extended to the valley of the Trusan River. In 1890, the Limbang region was added and in 1905, the Lawas River area was purchased from the British North Borneo Company.
Foreign protection was sought as early as the reign if the first Rajah to ensure Sarawak’s political and economic survival and independence but it was only in 1880 that Sarawak was accorded British protection. With the decline in piracy and in a situation of relative political stability economic development gained momentum, This continued during the reign of the third Rajah, Charles Vyner Brooke, who succeeded Charles Brooke in 1917.
In 1941, a new constitution was granted by the Rajah which paved the way for self-governance by the people. Among others, the constitution specified the composition of the Supreme Council and Council Negeri. Before the enactment could be effected, however, the Japanese invaded and occupied Borneo. When Sarawak was liberated in 1946, the third Rajah declared his intention to cede Sarawak to Great Britain, a decision which was opposed by many especially the natives who formed what was known as the Anti-Cession Movement. However, the Council Negeri voted 19 to 16 in favour of cession and Sarawak became a British Crown Colony on July the 1st, 1946. Dissatisfaction mounted, resulting in mass resignation of the of 388 Malay civil servants and the assassination of the Second British Governor of the colony of Sarawak in 1949. The British reaction to this attack was swift and the protest movement virtually died by 1950. A number of the anti-cessionists continued their involvement in politics and won for the State its "second independence" by supporting the formation of Malaysia mooted by Tunku Abdul Rahman, the then Chief Minister of Independent Malaya. In 1963, Sarawak achieved its independence within Malaysia.

People of SARAWAK

Sarawak has more than 40 ethnic groups, each with their own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. Making up a population of about 2.5 million The majority of the population reside in a few large urban centres, but a significant percentage still live in longhouses and villages in the interior. Most of the ethnic groups originally came from Kalimantan Cities and larger towns are populated predominantly by Malays, Melanaus, Chinese, and a smaller percentage of Ibans and Bidayuhs who have migrated from their home-villages for employment reasons. Sarawak distinct from the rest of Malaysia, only has a small community of Indians. Sarawak population is growing at a rate of 4-5% per year and has tighter immigration controls, even for Malaysians coming in from other states. 

Sarawakians practice a variety of religions, including Islam, Christianity, Chinese folk religion (a fusion of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and ancestor worship) and animism. Many converts to Christianity among the Dayak peoples also continue to practice traditional ceremonies, particularly with dual marriage rites and during the important harvest and ancestral festivals such as Gawai Dayak, (harvest Festival) Gawai Kenyalang (Hornbill Festival) and Gawai Antu (Festival of the Dead). 



The Ibans form the largest percentage of Sarawak's population, making up some 30%. Once known as the legendary headhunters of Borneo, the Ibans of today are a hospitable and placid people. The Ibans are originally from Kalimantan, and so their culture and traditions as observed in Sarawak are very similar to the Dayaks in Kalimantan. Because of their history as pirates and fishermen, they were conventionally referred to as the "Sea Dayaks". The Ibans dwell in longhouses, a stilted structure comprising many rooms housing a whole community of families. The Ibans are renowned for their Pua Kumbu (traditional Iban weavings), silver craftings, wooden carvings and beadwork. Iban tattoos which were originally symbols of bravery for the Iban warriors have become amongst the most distinctive in the world. The Ibans are also famous for their tuak, a sweet intoxicating rice wine which is served during big celebrations and festive occasions. The majority of Ibans practice Christianity. However, like most other ethnic groups in Sarawak, they still hold strong to their many traditional rituals and beliefs. 



Making up 29% of the population of Sarawak as elsewhere they are amongst Sarawak's most prosperous ethnic groups. Though predominantly Buddhists and Christians,tThe Chinese maintain their ethnic heritage and culture and celebrate all the major cultural festivals, most notably Chinese New Year and the Hungry Ghost Festival. The Sarawak Chinese are predominantly Buddhists and Christians. The Sarawak Chinese belong to a wide range of dialect groups, with Hokkien, Hakka and Mandarin being the most widely spoken dialects. 


The ethnic Malay of Sarawak is pretty much similar to its counterpart in the Peninsula of Malaysia with the exception of some local dialects commonly associated in Sarawak. The Malays make up about one-fifth or about 21% of the total population in Sarawak. Traditionally fishermen, these seafaring people chose to form settlements on the banks of the many rivers of Sarawak. Today, many Malays have migrated to the cities where they are heavily involved in the public and private sectors and taken up various professions. Malay villages (kampungs) - a cluster of wooden houses on stilts, many of which are still located by rivers on the outskirts of major towns and cities, play home to traditional cottage industries. The Malays are famed for their wood carvings, silver and brass craftings as well as traditional Malays textile weaving with silver and gold thread (kain songket). Malays are Muslim by religion. 



One of the earliest settlers of Sarawak, the Melanaus can be divided into six different groups each with its own characteristic dialect. Traditionally, the Melanaus lived in tall houses and were fishermen and till today, they are reputed as some of the finest boat-builders and craftsmen. Though ethnically different from the Malays, they have adopted a Malay lifestyle, living in kampong-type settlements. The Melanaus were originally animist and worshipped the spirits. Today most of them are Muslims and some are Christians, though they still celebrate traditional animist festivals such as the annual Kaul Festival.  



Bidayuh is the collective name for several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak that are broadly similar in language and culture. The second largest Dayak ethnic group in Sarawak after the Iban, they are most numerous in the hill country of Bau and Serian, within an hour's drive from Kuching. Originally from West Kalimantan, the Bidayuhs speak a number of different but related dialects. Historically, as other tribes were migrating into Sarawak and forming settlements, the meek-natured Bidayuhs retreated further inland, hence earning them the name of "Land Dayaks". While some of them still practice traditional religions, most modern-day Bidayuhs have adopted the Christian faith. The traditional Bidayuh abode is the "baruk", a roundhouse that rises about 1.5 metres off the ground. Typical of the Sarawak indigenous groups, the Bidayuhs are well-known for their hospitality, and are reputed to be the best makers of tuak, or rice wine.


Orang Ulu 

The phrase Orang Ulu means "remote or upriver people” is an ethnic designation politically coined to group together roughly 27 very small but ethnically diverse tribal groups that live upriver in Sarawak's vast interior. With a population ranging from less than 300 persons to over 25,000 persons, such groups include the major Kayan and Kenyah tribes, and the smaller neighbouring groups of the Kajang, Kejaman, Punan, Ukit, and Penan. Nowadays, the definition also includes the down-river tribes of the Lun Bawang, Lun Dayeh(mean upriver/far upstream), Murut, Berawan, Saban as well as the plateau-dwelling Kelabits. The various Orang Ulu groups together make up roughly 5.5% of Sarawak's population. The Orang Ulu are artistic people with longhouses elaborately decorated with murals and woodcarvings. They are also well-known for their intricate beadwork detailed tattoos. The Orang Ulu tribe can also be identified by their unique music - distinctive sounds from their sape, a stringed instrument not unlike the mandolin. A vast majority of the Orang Ulu tribes are Christians but old traditional religions are still practiced in some areas. 


Some of the major tribes making up Sarawak's Orang Ulu group include : 

There are abour 27,000 Kayans in Sarawak and are mainly found in the northern interiors of Sarawak midway on the Baram River, the upper Rejang River and the lower Tubau River. Categorized as a part of the Dayak people, they are known for being fierce warriors, former headhunters, adept in dry-rice cultivation, and having extensive tattoos and stretched earlobes amongst both sexes. Their basic culture is similar to the other Dayak people of Borneo. Traditionally they live in long houses on river banks. Their agriculture was based upon shifting cultivation techniques and the cultivation of dryland rice. They also cultivate sago, and go hunting and fishing. Their society knows aristocrats. They are known for good carvings and metalwork. Their language belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family and although many Kayan have become Christians, some still practise the old paganistic beliefs.



One of the smallest tribes in Sarawak and, now, a branch of the Orang Ulu, the total Kelabit population of about 6000 people. First "discovered" around the turn of the 20th Century, the Kelabits, a tribe of fierce warriors and headhunters who saw off anyone entering their territory, were generally given a wide berth by neighbouring tribes. Under broad conical hats, they wore their hair long at the back or done up in a bun held in place by pins of metal or horn. Around the waist hung a long sword-parang with a curved staghorn hilt and wooden scabbard. The men had two holes on each ear, pierced during infancy. The bottom hole was adorned with heavy brass ear rings which greatly extended the ear lobes so that they often hung down to the shoulders. In the upper hole, kept open by wooden plugs, the warriors wore leopard's fangs. Their homeland, now called the Kelabit Highlands, a remote plateau in the Sarawak Highlands, slightly over 1,200 meters above sea-level, is pretty ringed by a series of jungle-covered mountain peaks. All roads on the plateau lead to Bario, a settlement of about 1,000 persons The Kelabits, predominantly Christian are a tight-knit community that live in inherited longhouses and practice a generations-old form of agriculture. Famous for their rice-farming, they also cultivate a variety of other crops which are suited to the cooler climate of the Highlands of Bario. Domesticated buffalo are valued highly, seven of which are traditionally required for the dowry for an upper class bride. 

The Kenyah tribe, with a population of about 25,000, their culture is very similar to that of the Kayan tribe with whom they live in close association. Their heartland however, is Long San, along the Baram River. The typical Kenyah village consists of only one longhouse and each long house is like a family where they have to choose their own leader. Before they become Christian they believe in 'Bungan Malan Peselong Luan' ( traditional religion was a form animist) which is like their God for protection and healing. The people are mainly farmers, planting rice in burnt jungle clearings. With the rapid economic development, especially in timber industry, many of them work in timber camps.


The Penan are the only true nomadic people in Sarawak and amongst the last of the world's hunter-gatherers. The Penan make their home under the rainforest canopy, deep within the vast expanse of Sarawak's virgin jungle. Even today, the Penan continue to roam the rainforest hunting wild boar and deer with blowpipes. They eat plants, which are also used as medicines, and animals and use the hides, skin, fur, and other parts for clothing and shelter. Everything that is caught is shared as the Penan have a highly tolerant, generous and egalitarian society, so much so that it is said that the nomadic Penan have no word for 'thank you' because help is assumed and therefore doesn't require a 'thank you'. The Penan are skilled weavers and make high-quality rattan baskets and mats. The traditional Penan religion worships a supreme god called Bungan. However, an increasing number have abandoned the nomadic lifestyle for settlement in longhouses and have converted to Christians. Today the Penan number around 10,000; of which around 350-500 are nomadic They have settled into small settlements, usually based around a village 'longhouse', typical of other tribes of Sarawak's interior. Some, typically the younger generations, now cultivate rice and garden vegetables. Since both the settled, semi-nomadic and nomadic Penan communities were and are reliant on forest produce, they were hit hard by the large scale logging operations that encroached on their traditionally inhabited territories. The confrontation between the Penan and Sarawak State Government has continued to the present day. 

The best way to view the culture and traditions of Sarawak's multi ethnic population is to visit the Sarawak Cultural Village which is located at the foot of the legendary Mt Santubong, 32 kms from Kuching City